Orthodontic Services

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At Capital Area Dentistry, our commitment to comprehensive oral health extends beyond periodontal care to include a wide range of orthodontic services. Our team of experienced orthodontists is dedicated to providing personalized treatments designed to align teeth, correct malocclusions, and improve overall dental function and aesthetics. With the use of cutting-edge technology and evidence-based practices, we endeavor to create smiles that our patients can wear with confidence. Whether you’re considering traditional braces, clear aligners, or more specialized orthodontic interventions, our goal is to guide you through every step of your journey toward achieving a healthier, more beautiful smile.

Radiant Teeth

Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces have been a reliable and time-tested approach for aligning teeth effectively. These braces consist of small brackets that are bonded to the teeth and connected by wires and elastic bands. The brackets work in conjunction with the wires and elastics to gently shift the teeth over time, guiding them into the desired alignment. This method of orthodontic treatment has been widely used to achieve beautifully straight smiles.

Radiant Teeth

Invisalign® Clear Aligners

Invisalign® provides a discreet and convenient method to effectively straighten your teeth using clear aligners, a modern alternative to traditional metal braces. These aligners can be easily removed, allowing you the flexibility to maintain oral hygiene and enjoy your favorite foods while working towards a beautifully aligned smile. By choosing Invisalign®, you not only improve your dental alignment but also enhance your self-assurance and overall well-being.

Radiant Teeth

Ceramic Clear Braces

Ceramic clear braces are a popular orthodontic option that closely resembles traditional metal braces. The main difference lies in the brackets, which are crafted from a tooth-colored ceramic material, offering a discreet and less noticeable appearance. This feature makes ceramic clear braces a preferred choice among adults seeking to achieve teeth straightening goals without the visual presence of traditional metal braces.

Radiant Teeth

Lingual Braces

Similar to traditional braces, lingual braces are an orthodontic treatment that uses custom-made brackets and wires to straighten teeth effectively. What sets lingual braces apart is that they are discreetly placed on the back of the teeth, offering a more aesthetically pleasing option for those seeking orthodontic correction without the visibility of conventional braces.

Radiant Teeth

Self-Ligating Braces

Self-ligating braces utilize a sophisticated sliding mechanism that replaces traditional elastic bands to gently guide teeth into their correct positions. This innovative approach not only aids in reducing treatment duration and discomfort but also promotes more efficient tooth movement, leading to a smoother orthodontic experience overall.

Radiant Teeth


After orthodontic treatment like braces or aligners, retainers are essential to maintain results. These custom dental appliances prevent teeth from shifting back, with two types: removable for eating and cleaning, and fixed for continuous support. Choose based on preference and orthodontist’s advice for lasting alignment stability.

Easy & Pain Free

Sedation Dentistry

Capital Area Dentistry prioritizes patient comfort with anxiety-free dental visits. Our practice offers a range of sedation options tailored to individual needs, from minimal to profound techniques. Led by Dr. Lina Al Jarrah, our experienced team uses advanced sedation technology for peaceful visits with top safety standards. Sedation dentistry offers a comfortable, relaxing, and positive dental experience for a healthier smile without fear or discomfort.

Special Needs Dentistry

Orthodontics FAQ

Orthodontics FAQ

How do I get started with orthodontics for my child?

Start with a FREE Orthodontics Consultation!  Our orthodontics treatment coordinators are top notch communicators who love to make the process as simple and easy as possible.  Book online anytime or just give us a call during our daily business hours.

Do I need a referral to come to you?

Not necessarily. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children to visit an orthodontist around the age of 7.

What treatments are common with younger children?

Overbite treatments, invisible aligners, and braces are just some of the most common treatments among younr children.

Does my child have to get metal braces?

A child can get metal braces, depending on the assessment of the orthodontist. This usually applies for those with crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth, and maloclussion (also known as ‘bad bite’).

How long will my child need braces?

This will vary on your child’s dental condition. More often than not, a child can wear braces between 1 ½  to 3 years.

Will my child need a retainer?

After completing their metal braces treatment, a retainer is usually needed to maintain alignment of the teeth.

What is Invisible Clear Aligner treatment?

An Invisible Clear Aligner treatment is an orthodontic technique that aims to create alignment in the teeth without the use of metal braces.

What is the Invisible Clear Aligner treatment process?

First, we will start with a free consultation so we can determine if the Invisible Clear Aligner treatment will be the best option for you. After which, you will be given a set of trays that you can change for 1-2 weeks (or upon advice of your orthodontist) until your teeth shifts into its proper position. 

Why should I feel confident about Invisible Clear Aligner treatment?

The Invisible Clear Aligner treatment can improve your overall dental health and your smile. 

How do I take care of my Invisible Clear Aligners?

Maintaining your aligners is easy. You just need to rinse and brush it every night. It is recommended to use a soft-bristled toothbrush with mild liquid soap to remove any dirt particles.